Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Life Orthogonal to Existence at Best

Have you noticed when you feel you’ve failed
It’s mostly that you’ve failed to counter
The way the world works when left alone?

The dirty floor, the cluttered room, chores
Of all sorts, the diminishing goods,
The lack of reserves, the things that broke,

Even the dust on your shoes that need
New laces and new soles, just the world
Turning to powder when left alone.

Counter it! Counter it! Body and soul!
Think of all those children’s books you knew
In which industrious animals,

Squirrels and hens and so forth, set about
Raising some domicile, cleaning it,
Getting everything ship-shape again.

Winter sunlight rotates over you,
Rendering floating dust motes vivid.
You want to stay, not to counter it.

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