Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Consider a thought
Sitting silently

In a diner booth,
Thinking of being
A train passenger

Passing another
Train passenger’s train,
Or being a bat

Or a mantis shrimp
Who has just shattered
Her aquarium.

How will the booth seem,
The laminated
Table, the coffee,

The vegan salad
The diner prefers
To order, although

Part of the brain growls
For bacon and eggs?
From a perspective

Outside of the thought
Can thought be observed?

Is it possible
To determine this

Is considering
Whether division
By zero must be

Truly undefined
And, if so, whether
Mathematics can

Ever be presumed
To comprehend things?
The server stops by

With the bill and tops
Off the coffee, but
The diner is still.

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