Tuesday, January 2, 2024

And What All Has God Done Anyway, Since Finishing Creation?

Do the people matter more
Than the music that they make?
Sure they do. They have to, right?

But take a group of people
And the ways they are people,
Whether they are musical

Or not at all, whether they
Make exceptional music
Or none at all—they aren’t much

Different from each other.
The people who make music,
Rare people, exceptional

Music, aren’t all that remote
In their non-musical ways
From non-musical people.

It was the music drew you,
Made you think of those people
As not like other people.

Among those who make music,
Music separates them more
Than the ways that they’re people,

And you won’t find their music
In such people as people,
As you won’t find their music

Without them, but you may find
The secret of the music
In the music, not in ways

People differ as people.
The strangeness of life on Earth
Lies in life, not the planet.

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