Sunday, October 8, 2023

Programmed Wisdom Elimination

In at least a hundred species,
Organisms eliminate
Hefty chunks of their own genomes.

This has been known for a long time
But with no good explanation.
Recently, an idea’s emerged

Based on observations of worms—
Highly repetitive stretches
Of DNA, like transposons,

Were preferentially sliced out
By the cells of developing
Embryos, which could indicate

A sort of weeding strategy
To curb genetic parasites.
Or maybe worms require streamlined

Genomes. Even now, no one knows
For sure. But an analogy
Suggests itself. If slicing out

A third of a worm’s genetic
Inheritance works for the worm,
Do populations always need

To save all historical scraps
Of cultural information?
Maybe sleeker, streamlined cultures

With less junk, fewer parasites,
Might outstrip civilizations.
All those various dark ages

And eras of burnt palaces,
Smoking libraries, widespread loss
Of texts, literacy itself,

Could have been rejuvenating,
Debugging, even improving
Some traditions’ chance to survive.

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