Thursday, October 26, 2023


There is no particular
Reason to search for meaning,
Given you’re the animal

Secreting it. Most mammals
Scent-mark their environments
Then check the information,

And you do that, too, sort of,
But the data collecting
And personal signaling

Aren’t the whole of what you do.
You attend closely, to search
For meaning your searching makes.

Anything can mean something
If just one of you thinks so,
And many things if many

Of you think it’s meaningful,
Though the info stays the same.
Consider an empty floor,

What does it mean? Consider
The empty walls around it.
What do they mean? Consider

The walls are crumbling, the roof
No longer exists, the floor
Is not really even floor

But grass where there was a floor,
And meanings are everywhere,
Sportive meanings running wild.

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