Monday, October 23, 2023

If This Is a Story, Then It Concludes

In the narrative of proof,
As in computer programs,
You start with complex statements

To get to a conclusion—
A more condensed and succinct
Statement derived from many

Interim statements. Note
How this narrative template
Differs from a movie plot,

A memoir or wonder tale.
A rigorous winnowing,
A set that contains all sets

That do not contain themselves,
Is impossible without
Building hierarchies of types

Such that each can only hold
Lower levels than themselves.
Well, enough. But it winnows,

All the same. It’s a story,
If it is, of a deep link
Involving computation

And logic, isomorphic,
Which, you know, is reductive,
Of course, but more tellingly,

Closes in on conclusions
In a way other stories,
Which pretend to ends, do not.

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