Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Genderless & Savagely Patient

Starkweather’s fine line
Makes it into the New York Times,
From his poem suggesting tenderness
In the relentless attentions
Of collection agencies.

Can’t say those voices
Have ever seemed genderless
To this poetry collection collector.
They’re always distinctively binary, but
Savagely patient? Beautiful, yes.

Every stalker, every predator,
Every being who’s continued living
Depends on hunting’s occasional success,
Develops that combination,
From the house-cat in the long grass

To the spider or the military sniper—
If you can imagine it as tenderness,
Such intensive attention in your direction,
And that helps you stay out of its grasp,
Then yes, but don’t let yourself get

Frozen by a golden, hungry glance.
Attention is tenderness for the intent
On getting something to keep going.
That’s why giving debt collection
Over to the nearly infinite patiences

Of machines ends up collecting less.
Machines don’t starve for lack of success.
Lions can. Humans can. You can
Call it tenderness, since you also sense
That savageness. But do not, ever, rest.

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