Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Looking at an assortment
Of living ponderosas
And dead, of oaks bare of leaves

And oaks still copiously
Marcescent, some holding up
Acorns, there’s a lot of brown

To contemplate, the golden
And crimson fall receding,
Grey November not here yet.

There was a poem that opened
With the image, a last barn,
Dark as a plug of chewing

Tobacco. It comes to mind.
Barn dark, chewing tobacco
Dark, and disintegrating

Dirt dark brown all come to mind.
Mind. The parasite warehouse,
Gall dark with words for tint shades,

It squirms around in the skull,
Like a worm in an acorn
On a collapsing barn floor

Where the trees are returning
In that weird way the woods have
Of creeping in when they can.

Can acorns even have worms?
The worm of the mind ponders
Inside a small acorn skull.

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