Thursday, February 9, 2023

Neuronal Soul

A behavioral science
Writer of renown has fun
With depicting decisions

As contests among neurons,
And your moral decisions
As being taken at risk

Of your neuronal soul. Nice.
Which soul would you rather risk,
Neuronal or immortal?

The latter hazards nothing.
The former risks a lifetime
Of agenbite of inwit.

On that head, why not picture
Each neuron as a creature,
Wild synapses for its hair?

The world is rich with one-celled
Life forms, and cancer can launch
From one rogue cell, so why not

Go the whole hog, calling all
Cells souls? Not all life forms. Cells.
All cells souls and all souls cells.

There you go. Now it makes sense,
This business of lives with souls,
This talk of heaven and hell.

Every cell is immortal,
Every cell that ever was,
And Earth’s just a proving ground

In which all cells are tested
To send to heaven or hell,
And you, by entertaining

Heretical truth like this,
Put half your brain at risk of
Losing its neuronal souls.

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