Monday, February 27, 2023

The Unknowable Unknown

There can be no mathematics
Of the genuinely incomparable,
The immeasurable, the absolutely

Incomprehensible. The infinite
With which math works, the infinite
Of categories, is a toy, must be a toy.

A towering toy to be sure, a toy
Only a few comprehend, but still
A theoretical object, open

To manipulation. Infinities can be
Compared, rigorously, and have been.
Of the utterly incomparable,

It can’t be said even that it exists.
To assert that anything exists is to claim
Some knowledge of it. No one,

No pleroma, no posited creator
Can be put forward that isn’t
Then in play among the many names.

Is there an immeasurable, a real
Beyond all comparison or comprehension?
Unknown. There is no math for it, no term.

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