Friday, February 24, 2023

How Many Pirates Lived Long Lives Off Buried Treasure?

Collections of connected
People have been hankering
And planning for an exit,

Which will, well, accomplish what,
Exactly? A few decades
Farming around armed bunkers?

There’s no all-purpose defense
Against all possible threats.
Sometimes the well-connected

Can ride out generations
Of simple social mayhem,
Maybe, but the strategy

For avoiding pandemics,
And the strategy for bombs,
And the one against wildfires,

And the one against earthquakes,
And the one against droughts,
And the one against your own

Kind mobilized in armies
Skilled at hunting rich folks down—
Not really one-cave-fits-all.

Still they’re determined to spend
Their years in aging bodies
Riding out Armageddon,

Which in practice means spending
An awful lot of time and loot
Scheming how to store the loot.

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