Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Not the Gods Can Shake the Past

You could be new to this Earth,
So young you've just learned to read,
And still there’s not one moment

In your short past that isn’t
Part of the gigantic past
Of everything ever’s been,

Everything’s ever happened.
You’re in all of it, all you
Have ever done is done now,

Done for good, which doesn’t mean
You won’t do more, doesn’t mean
You can’t change things, reverse course,

Just that your tracks on the way
Back will overwrite your tracks
That you made on your way in,

Won’t ever uncreate tracks.
Try it. Carefully erase
All trace of how you found us,

How you made it to this poem.
Erasure’s only more tracks.
Melted, vanished snow still fell.

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