Thursday, February 16, 2023

The Knowing Connection

Sometimes, physicists
Who have to explain
Entangled quanta

In lay terms will say
That the particles
Connected just know,

Somehow, that they are.
If you don’t believe
In causation, this

Isn’t so baffling.
Sure, most changes seem
In some sense direct—

This object moves that,
Through some chain of acts,
Some chain of contacts,

But it’s all spooky action,
Even on billiard tables,
Even artillery fire.

So, sometimes you can’t see it.
Sometimes, it’s at a distance.
Magnetism used to be

Invisible as ether,
Gravity too mystical,
If you asked Galileo.

Eventually you just know
That the magnet has a field,
That gravity warps spacetime,

That subatomic somethings
Must be somehow connected
And you go with it. Physics.

There are things that happen and
There are things that haven’t, yet,
Or won’t. Suss out the patterns,

Map out each if-this-then-this,
Put the much in nothing much,
But you know there’s still nothing.

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