Thursday, February 16, 2023

Any Step-by-Step Procedure

Finiteness. It has to end
At some point. Importantly,
You have to know it will end.

Even then, a really long
Process can be frustrating,
Insufficiently finite.

Definiteness. You might think
This indicates reversal
Of finiteness, in the sense

Defenestrate means tossing
Out the fenestre. But no.
Definiteness just battens

The hatches of finiteness.
Input. Something has to go
Through those definite windows.

Output. Something has to show
At the end of finiteness,
Definitely. And then what?

Effectiveness. Trickier.
If it appears effective,
Is it? Are you finding output

To your liking? Good enough?
Well, you built the procedure.
You think we got the job done?

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