Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Ginormously Fantabulous Grundles of Words

Some words are so wonderfully clumsy
And ugly that despite their concrete lack
Of specific suggestion they can be

Memorable in themselves. You recall
The school friend overfond of ginormous,
That time a writer acquaintance dismissed

Another author by grumbling, I don’t
Think her writing’s all that fantabulous,
The professor who made sweeping gestures

While frequently deploying the odd phrase,
There are grundles and grundles of data!
There’s a Klein bottle quality to these

Clunkers with built-in intensifiers.
Gigantic is gagging on enormous.
Fantastic’s half swallowed by fabulous.

Great bundles collapse into each other,
Too massive to keep discrete. Fusion words,
Overstuffed portmanteaus of abstraction,

Hideous really, without referents,
Turning into more of themselves, until
They actually stand free from reference

And become vivid in their garish way,
Excess words of excessive insistence,
Bleak slag heaps of insect ecosystems.

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