Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Adults Who Never Returned

Meaning means taking sides.
If you can’t find a side
To take, someone to boo

And someone to root for,
It’s hard to pay enough
Attention to make it

Really mean anything.
When the Lisbon earthquake
Horrified everyone,

People rushed to find fault
As cause of the fault line,
But it frustrated them,

Everyone but Voltaire.
Earthquakes are all like that.
Blame builders, blame people

For living there, blame sin,
Cheer God for making plans,
But the earth quakes and quakes.

Every year, a certain
Percentage of people
Survive disaster, but

Are forced away from homes
To which they will never
Return. Root for them, or,

Better, uproot yourself,
Not from place, from finding
Meaning in who should win.

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