Thursday, September 1, 2022

With Questions Like These Who Needs Proof?

We practice natural immunity in
This household, announced a vaccine-adverse host.

Someone sighed and muttered, When will humans learn
That natural is no good for them? No one

Has a natural immunity to death.
Overhearing this mutterer, you may wonder

How it is people make wisdom and virtue
Out of particular approaches to death.

You’ve heard them all your life, the variations
On what makes for a tragic or noble death—

Worries and prognostications concerning
What the dying say they do or don’t regret.

People discuss dying, wistfully, as if
A swift or peaceful death were theirs to select,

Another choice to ponder. Which is the best?
What’s the most appropriate way to get it?

If a virus claims the unvaccinated,
Would that serve conclusive proof of foolishness?

If the mutterer dies of nurdles curdling
An ocean of nanoplastics in the blood,

Would that be a stronger proof of foolishness?
Maybe not. But questions like those, maybe, yes.

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