Friday, September 2, 2022

Wish You Didn’t Have to Go

You can sense without even
Odd instruments it stays full,
Replete, mere rearranging,

The shuffling of the changes.
And it’s been tested enough
You accept the math’s upheld—

Energy and matter stay
Interchangeably the same,
While information is saved

And, at least in principle,
Remains to be recovered.
What, then, goes away? Order,

Say. Entropy increases,
So order has to decay.
This is less satisfying,

Less and less so, day to day.
There are local reversals,
And the grand calculations

That say the cosmos began,
Or must have, with such and such
Orderliness, and will take

These orders of magnitude
To reach maximum decay,
Feel less certain than they look,

Given how little is known
About the absolute shape
And fate of the whole shebang,

Even how many shebangs
In how many dimensions
There might be or have been.

And yet, there’s some direction.
You feel it, literally,
In your bones, and neither math,

Nor ideologies, nor
Faith in supernatural
Design schemes of deities,

Can reverse that felt pattern.
Everything changes and goes,
And nothing ever comes back.

What do you mean, everything,
Once you’ve ruled out energy
Or mass or information?

The moment-to-moment state
Of affairs, this moment
You’re leaving, is everything.

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