Saturday, September 10, 2022

Have You, or Someone You Know, Recently Passed Away?

You think you may have noticed
A pattern—if you have to
Rise early for some reason,

Weirdly, you sleep well all night.
If you have the luxury
Of sleeping late as you like,

There you are, awake at 4,
In your lamp-lit reading chair.
We see you there. We’re always

Up wolf and coyote hours,
Watching stars and listening
For howls. Some mornings you’re there.

Your pattern, we’re not sure of.
We’ll nod sagely in assent,
However, since you’re so pleased

At having discovered it.
We think we may have noticed
A pattern to our own rest,

But we’re not as pleased with it.
We seem built to undo us
Regarding the rest of us.

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