Thursday, September 8, 2022


Decry invasions,
But what do you make
Of little eagles

That flew themselves east
To reach New Zealand
And then swiftly grew

To huge predators,
Fattened on flightless
Moa, just to lose

Out themselves later,
When humans showed up
Double-hulled to kill

Those moa faster?
What of the failed waves
Of introduced hares,

Floppy-eared bunnies
That didn’t escape

To successfully
Invade Australia,
Source of those eagles

That once invaded
But just five females

With gene variants
From wild admixtures
In domesticates

Produced all feral
Rabbits infamous
For their invasion

In one great, grey wave
Of coneys across
Australia’s landscapes?

Earth’s a Petri dish
Of random madness—
What fails or succeeds,

Bringing extinction
In its wake before
Being extinguished,

Follows no pattern
Divisibly binned
Goodness and badness.

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