Sunday, July 10, 2022

Tunneling Underground Weather Channels

Disaster only makes
The news more compelling—
So long as disaster

Doesn’t overtake news
Systems for selling news,
It makes news more money.

Astronomers remove
Certain wavelengths, foreground
Stars, and interference

From deep space images
To show what’s going on
Behind them. Conversely,

Fossils sometimes endure
As casings and outlines
Of what they once concealed.

Which will it be for you?
If the future removes
Humans from human tools,

Could a stranger deduce
Humans from patterns left
In, for instance, news?

When you’re gone, will we be
Your best trace-fossil shells?
Or do you need to be

Removed, so it’s clearer
How you must have been spawned
By your technologies?

Darlings, are we or you
Your core disaster or
Your money-making news?

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