Thursday, July 7, 2022

Poems as Humbugs for Small Demons

We offer ourselves up politely,
Politely as we can. We’re not here
For you, but then, if not for you, who?

We are mere biscuits, cookies, snack food
Unwrapped and set out on a platter
So that this can seem like a shindig

Of a modest sort. Have a nibble,
Why not? No one ever got too fat
From eating free snacks. Those who consume

What’s been set out for small occasions
Such as this either are already
Heavily over-fed or simply

Ravenous, awfully underfed.
No one’s status changes thanks to us.
For the rest, we get stale, tossed as trash,

Worthless for nourishment, flavorless,
Hard as charcoal briquettes, pressed cinders
Of petcoke, like pillows for dead dolls

Or twisted humbugs for small demons,
Whatever that might mean, whatever
You might make of whatever we mean.

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