Thursday, July 14, 2022


Angels and subtle
Great minds have nothing

On symmetrical
Crystals with dozens
Of gleaming faces.

The pomegranate
Seed of minerals,
Garnet was common

On the ground, upstate
New York, Saranac
Lake country, forty,

Fifty years ago.
Boys on canoe trips
Picked up garnet chips

On portaging trails
Through mosquitoes and
Dark clouds of deer flies.

Almost ugly red
Stones they pretended
Were rubies, filling

Their pockets, telling
Tales of getting rich
From one giant stone,

Their garnets glowed dull,
Flawed, wayside gravel,
Nearly all alike,

Each formed of crystals
So fine-faceted,
No storyteller

Could craft a villain
Or antihero
More complicated.

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