Sunday, July 10, 2022

Everyone’s Talking

Culture is subtle
Except in people,
Except in recent

Unsubtle people.
It was all singing
And small-tool making

For chimpanzees, crows,
Whales, dolphins, parrots.
Bipeds were quiet,

Little things walking
Along in small groups,
Mostly quieter

Than the surrounding
Flocks of birds, changing
The landscape far less

Than elephants, ants,
Or herds of hooved beasts.
What happened to us?

Has been merciless
Within our swelling

Despite collapses.
The people haven’t

Changed that much, not yet,
But the things they do,
Can do, to the world,

To other species,
To the stones and seas,
And to each other,

With names, in our names,
Are now, as people
Often say, monstrous.

We are that monster.
We can’t stop ourselves.
We can’t help ourselves.

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