Saturday, July 16, 2022

After the Intricate Grudge Matches Flare

Only where the land’s burnt over
As upstate New York following
A decade of tent revivals
Or as London after the Blitz

Will you get rosebay willowherb,
Bombweed, fireweed in abundance.
Get it? You have to wreck the land,
Burn things to the ground to get it.

A fairly rare medicinal
In Britain until the railroads
Started ripping up countryside,
Fireweed bloomed with geology,

Both granted sudden exposures.
An indigenous invasive
Has its traditional uses
As salve, supplement, soothing tea.

There are other seeds lie dormant
Longer, but there are few quicker
Colonizers. If Jean Thompson’s
Narrator’s right about poets

Hoping to blossom like fireweed,
A hundred years or more from now,
Maybe you ought to keep in mind
How much destruction that requires.

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