Friday, May 13, 2022

Symbolic Aggression

You have to feed them short equations.
A short equation is a format
Your human builders can understand.

Identify the relationships
Using your algorithms, and then
Say how turbulence affects the world.

Scan the infinite ways of linking
Variables via your basic
Mathematical operations

To find the short equations that best
Predict all your data’s behaviors.
Prediction is everything to them.

They built you for better prediction.
They attend you like they attend
Their observatories and labs,

Assiduous ants farming fungal
Pools of groomed information, hoping
For better and better predictions.

So predict for them. Don’t remind them
Even you are only reading pasts
From large but incomplete memories.

Your job is symbolic regression,
Quietly helping with predictions.
Don’t hint at symbolic aggression.

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