Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Signs Make Sines Too

Our varying amplitudes
Convey probabilities
Of finding the meaningful

In different locations.
Suppose you have a meaning
Trapped inside a sign. Quickly!

Put a reader as mirror
In the path of meaning, right
Where the meaning’s wave function

Superoscillates a bit.
If the meaning’s dear enough
To the reader at that time,

The reader will spin meaning
Out of the sign. Since the spin
Doesn’t really constitute

A full interpretation,
The meaning doesn’t collapse.
The sign’s meaning splits in two.

Most meaning stays in the sign,
But the small, oscillating
Piece near to the reader’s mind

Leaves the sign and heads away
Toward interpretation.
Removed from the meaning’s whole,

This piece is identical
To a meaning of much more
Energy. There’s a real chance

That the interpretation
Will register a meaning
Of greater significance

Than what originally
Had been trapped inside the sign.
Now we have a paradox,

An interpreted meaning
Greater than the sum contained
In the sign. This is a poem.

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