Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Quietest

There’s no greatness mixed with violence.
There’s only the meek or violent,
And from that mix the consequences.

We say this to disavow a trope
Of futuristic storytelling,
That humans mix violence with good

Intentions. Variations show up
In other genres also—you love
Your cruel but heroic nation state,

Or your loyal brutal family,
Or your violent, beautiful life
As a cowboy on the high prairie.

Pfff. So what if it’s the case the awful
Comes with the good? Awful’s just awful,
Not balancing imaginary

Scales of imaginary justice.
What balances violence is not
Violence, is lack of violence,

Is no violence. Greatness, goodness,
Potential all have their own problems
To deal with. Start with the quietest.

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