Monday, May 30, 2022

Your Laundry Hung Out to Dry

It’s only since everything
Is connected, everything
Must be great and trivial.

You can’t get one without more,
Any bit without the whole
Radiating world attached.

Being animals, you live
By breathing and excreting,
And gains and losses matter

To the systems that are you.
You don’t like it when you lose.
Some things seem pure waste to you.

The calculus of hunger
And disdain comes naturally
To you. But that’s not the whole

Of it, of this, not even
Of you. The whole’s multiple
And rushes toward the gaps

Invisible since it is
Gapless of its own. The clothes
On the line by the basket

In the grass by the trees by
The road, whatever it is
They are and everything all

At once into the distance,
Even as they fall apart,
Are great woven trivial.

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