Sunday, May 15, 2022

Something That Others Can See As Well

The feeling of profound vision,
Of being granted special truth,
Knowledge with authority,

Seems to be sadly detached
From any specific facts
Or transformative insights.

It is intense and holy
Sensation of such insights
In the visionary, who

Feels permanently transformed,
But nothing others can see
Or do anything about

Unlike, say, Leeuwenhoek’s lens,
Filled with magical visions
Of infusorial forms.

If the vision’s only yours,
And the authoritative
Pronouncements you pull from it

Only vague exhortations
And solemn admonishments
About Love, God, or Oneness,

How much can anyone do
With that to improve their world?
If you’ve had visionary

Experiences, or crave
Such experiences, if
You feel you’ve seen through the cracks

Of ordinary living
To a radiant beyond,
You will not likely enjoy

Any hint profundity
As sensation is distinct
From profundity as fact.

The microbes in ditch water
May not appear as angels
Winged with glory, but they act.

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