Monday, May 2, 2022

One of the Ghosts

Does play, as a scholar writes,
Make a toy ghost of the words
“Please, Praise, and Praie,” in Kendall’s

Book, Flowers of Epigrams,
Printed centuries ago?
Let’s praise a playful, pleasing

Phrase, in any case: toy ghost.
Is there any other kind?
We are much concerned with ghosts

In these lines, as metaphors
Intersecting all manner
Of dubious existence—

Undead, gods, words, souls, even
Embodied awarenesses.
What’s a ghost if not a toy

To terrify readers with?
Please God, praise God, pray to God,
Was Kendall’s playful advice

For happiness in this life.
That ought to keep God happy,
At least, big baby, toy ghost,

Tinpot dictator, mob boss,
Typical human—jealous,
Anxious, craving obeisance

From every human being.
All human beings are ghosts,
The breathing and the deceased—

Humans, human inventions,
Ideas, automatons, needs,
Sciences, philosophies—

If it has human being,
Humanness in its being,
It’s a toy, one of the ghosts.

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