Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A Wave in the River of Souls

As you face whatever desperation
Is immediate and your own, disease
Or weakness, any dangerous way home,

Take a moment to contemplate the scale
Of individual humans thinking
Their ways simultaneously through life.

There are literally, literally
Billions on billions of human bodies,
Billion elderly, billion children,

More billions young and middle-aged adults,
All breathing, pulsing, hungry, and worried
About something, something right now, thinking

About what they should do, billions of them
And a great many billions before them,
And more billions likely after them, too,

Every one of them with some kind of brain,
Billions on billions more synapses,
Firing and exchanging information,

Right now, right now as you are among them,
Perhaps frantic, perhaps feeling alone,
A handful of thoughts trying to get home.

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