Monday, May 9, 2022

A Rare Adaptation

Cooperation’s potent—
From slime molds to organelles
In eukaryotic cells,

From mutualist fungi
To leaf-cutter colonies—
And, for that reason, common.

Bigger, better-organized
Teams excel in many forms
Of life’s fierce competitions.

Practiced by humanity,
Cooperation’s an art,
Literally religious.

Cooperation’s righteous,
And righteousness is holy
And holds people principled.

But isn’t it possible
Minor kindness to strangers,
Between near-total strangers,

Is holiest? Peculiar.
It may bend or break the rules,
May sap coordination,

But it’s widespread, this sweetness.
Ask us the adaptation
Strangest, most mysterious,

Found in your ruthless species.
No, not coordination.
Weird, uncalled-for kindnesses.

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