Monday, September 13, 2021


Some old dude sitting in a farmhouse
Writing rhythmical letters to friends,
As someone recently, jokingly

Described Horace, is not exactly
A recipe for delight. He’s right.
Especially not for the old dude,

If the old dude has no farmhouse, and
The old dude has no friends, just the yen
To write some more rhythmical letters

To no reader in particular,
No reader ever being likely.
Not everyone gets a Maecenas.

And yet, there is some tranquility,
To be found, regardless of device,
For a crumbling old dude before night.

Some. Don’t get yourself too excited.
The mystery isn’t peace of mind;
It’s the addiction to peace of mind.

One sip of simple tranquility,
And you’ll start wanting it all the time.
You can’t have it all the time. You can’t,

No matter how wise, not even if
Someone buys you a farmhouse and gifts
You with numerous devoted friends,

Pen pals whose sole intent when they write
Is to learn what’s on your mind tonight.
There’s no wisdom in tranquility.

Tranquility has made no one wise.
You write to churn your tranquility,
To clarify, give it some shelf life.

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