Thursday, September 23, 2021

Some Questions for the Well-Prepared

So the few of you own property
In the mountains, in your secret spot,
With a private spring, solar panels,

Biometric safe, guns and ammo,
Food with multi-year shelf life stockpiled,
Maybe a greenhouse, plenty of fuel,

Does the waiting ever get to you?
Do you worry your lives will run out
And you will end before the world ends?

Do you feel tethered to your bug-out,
Afraid to get too far from safety,
A quick race to your hole in the rock?

What if the sky burns? What if wildfires
Burn the woods around you, fill your air
With choking ash? Do you have a cave?

Would you want to live your last years there?
And last of all, what if you succeed,
A few older people, fewer young,

On top of a pile of safes, cans, guns,
No idea who else is left out there,
Nothing to do but dig in and wait

For each of you to reach your own end
Anyway, up there on the mountain
In your Eden of Apocalypse?

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