Friday, September 17, 2021

The Ongoing Alienation of Standardized Commodification

Stop calling it capitalism.
It’s not the capital. Resources
Have always been accumulated,

Hoarded, and dissipated. It’s you,
Standardized, commodified, the soul
Of a consumer, constant churn rate,

Everything sleeked down to churn faster
Until it’s all a swirl of tub ducks
Circulating on open oceans.

Time is not repetitive. Time is
Repetition, most bemusing twist
In all the ways change goes on changing,

The sense that what is going comes back
And then goes again in a perfect,
Monotonous pattern, yet always

Eroding, like the plastic swirling
In vast gyres in the ocean. The age
Is never late, never a late stage,

Never standardized beyond the loss
Of everything it was to something
Else, hungry, alien, emerging.

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