Thursday, September 23, 2021

Eat, Shit, Split, Repeat

Life goes on. It shrinks. It grows.
But on it goes. Death goes, too,
Along for the ride, along

With all the rest of life. Eat,
Shit, Split, Repeat. Each piece fails,
But the whole has never ceased.

This would make you happier,
If you didn’t see yourself
As just a piece. Some people

Have used culture’s expertise
To try to think of themselves
As really contiguous

With all of it. I am that.
Look for me under your boots.
The sum is always constant.

And so forth. All life’s all one,
But you aren’t, and you won’t be.
You’ll weren’t. Eat, shit, split, repeat.

You will not repeat with it.
Something’s got to give, for life
To go on living, but look,

Pity your bones, not your soul.
Pity what you are, not who.
It’s going to hurt. It hurts

Half the time already, but
You won’t be forced to go on
With it. Life eats, shits. Yous split.

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