Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Carrington vs Miyake

All things. It’s not a phrase many
People use often, but maybe
More people should. You’re all all things,

Things you come from, things you consume,
Things you become. It’s all all things,
And as there’s nothing wrong with things,

It feels like something’s wrong with things,
There should be something wrong with things,
Surely there must be more than things?

Here’s a thing. People who study
These sorts of things, counting ice cores
And tree rings, and those sorts of things,

Say you’ve got Carringtons coming.
Solar flares make a mess of things.
Maybe you’ll get a Miyake

That will tumble everything back
To the ways you used to do things
Before you knew to count the rings.

And that’s the thing. The more you know,
The more ways you record and plan things,
The more we scream, All things, All things!

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