Sunday, September 26, 2021

More News You Can’t Use

A professor pops up on cable
To opine that the most dangerous
Person in the world is a broke, lone

Male, and we’re producing too many.
Well, that’s comforting. Ostensibly,
The topic is college enrollment

In the United States, which has flipped
The script in fifty years, from sixty
Percent male, forty female, to this,

This topsy-turvy, upside-down world
Where women are more educated
Than men, horror, and we must listen

To dire warnings that men at loose ends
Without college degrees will not find
Work or women who might marry them.

Stay tuned for the next calamity.
But let’s get back to that lead-in claim,
Most dangerous person in the world.

Seems to trawl a rather broad net, no?
Even broader—the most dangerous
Persons are men. Broader still—the most

Dangerous species is you humans.
Or narrower—the most dangerous
Broke, lone men are young ones. Narrower—

The most dangerous broke, lone, young men
Are those ones with guns, those hopeless ones
With little to lose, watching the news.

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