Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Clothes Are Words and Words Are Clothes but Who Among Us Contains Lives?

A cape made of undyed
Raw spider silk, country
Butter colored, was shown

At the Victoria
And Albert Museum
Of Design. For three years

Hundreds of weavers worked
To execute the cloth
From silk already spun

By millions of spiders.
You can read about this
In more detail elsewhere.

Here we will note the lengths
You will go to mean clothes.
Jackal, fox, and wildcat

Skins cut from their bearers’
Bones were scraped with bone tools
And worn in Morocco

(What is now Morocco)
One hundred and twenty
Thousand-plus years ago.

Did warmth or ornament
Come first? Just consider
How symbolic the clothes-

Wearing apes are; meaning
Everything has meaning,
With or without function,

And every meaning must
Keep to its own functions,
Lines evolving like lives—

Skirt and shirt words
Once meant the same,
But the Vikings
Pronounced them skirts,

The Saxons shirts,
And words can’t hold
Any more than

Species can share
A single niche.
So Viking skirts
On your bottoms

And Saxon shirts
Up top, although
Your longer shirts
May serve as skirts.

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