Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Ask any gardener, any farmer,
Any kid pulling weeds—roots go further,
Almost always, than you’d think. Few days pass
Without some hard-working someone claiming
To have dug up a new origin hauled
Out of the deep past, however shallow
Or unfathomed is the soil that’s been searched.

What sounds more recent to you? A viral
Slogan, fierce individualism,
Graffiti, accentually stressed verse,
Or the desperate wish to be immune
To harsh opinion, yet also to be
Well loved? Λέγουσιν ἃ θέλουσιν
λεγέτωσαν οὐ μέλι μοι. Enough?
σὺ φίλι με συνφέρι σοι. Enough.

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