Friday, September 10, 2021

By Acts You Mean Meanings

The acts of all living things
Are fundamentally one,
Someone claims from time to time.

It’s hard to prove or disprove,
So, so far it hasn’t been.
Gaia or protoplasm,

Fate or universal soul,
Electricity or genes,
Something must connect us all,

Something clouds and rocks don’t get
To share with lives, or maybe
They do. Maybe they’re alive

Some way. The options depend
On who you’re talking to. Why
Not, ask the ontologists,

Bring it all back to being?
Why not endless mirroring
Likenesses? ask humanists.

The universe is tricky
Like that. If you can count one,
You always count two. Past two,

There’s no stopping you. Perhaps
It’s not that the many are
All one, at least connected,

Only that one and many
Are one and the same, like God
And every idea of God.

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