Monday, January 9, 2023

Very Little Concrete Floating in These Waves

Abstraction is human! Peter Cole
Insists with emphasis. Ah, we like
That a living poet feels the need

To champion the humanity
Of abstraction, human invention,
In verse, the art that forever drifts

Around the oceans, bumping against
Archipelagos and continents,
But rarely truly colonizing,

Mostly pushing off back out to sea,
Maybe trading a few items first
With local kinds of composition

In song or prose it will trade again
With some tradition on another
Shoreline shouting over the breakers.

Once in a while, out in the doldrums,
Poetry realizes it’s becalmed
With whatever it’s been carrying

And suddenly it longs for islands
Where it left the cargo it hasn’t
And took on the cargo it’s stuck with,

Wishing devoutly to jettison
The current baggage and find fresh goods
Again. But first, you have to find land.

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