Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Lost Among Glitter and Roaches

People just love a good fight.
Tastes vary as to how much
Is too much, but fierce contests
Will draw in participants,
And participants draw crowds.

At first, it appears bizarre
That such quarrelsome, brawling
Mobs of cooperators
Are so fond of professing
Sorrow at so much fighting,

Since you love it, when it’s right
Up your alley, when you’re thrilled
By winning and by your own
Delectable righteousness.
Why bemoan your viciousness?

Ah, but it’s not yours, is it?
It’s the others, the other
Squads who are the vicious ones.
You suffer. You only give
As good as you get, if that.

Your mission is to expose
The unfairness of their worst
Fighters to the fairest, yours.
Heavens, but you’re well evolved!
No wonder you’re champions.

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