Saturday, April 15, 2023

This Can’t Be How Our Brains Perceive the World

Transparency lacks transparency.
It suggests you can see everything,
But consider the kitchen window,

A transparent expanse of backyard
Or urban landscape or whatever
The window happens to be facing.

True, windowless kitchens aren’t the same,
But who dices vegetables thinking,
What’s on the other side of the wall?

There are those watches with crystal backs
So you can peer at the working gears,
And some AI scientists insist

It would be better to be able
To see how those algorithms do
The voodoo they train themselves to do,

But the gears themselves aren’t transparent
And the black box of the mind at work,
Made transparent, would only reveal

Non-transparent internal functions,
As the kitchen window only shows
The inscrutably solid outside.

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