Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Dulcet Sterk’s Dull Shit Work

Debt and dying never tell you
Which one’s more social in the end.
There’s a piece of outsider art

For sale in a shop in the sun
In one of those pretty small towns
Well-placed for metropolitan

Weekenders who like B-&-Bs.
It’s a farmer’s painted farm chair
Vividly orange and scuffed gold,

With a scene of someone plowing
Painted on the back. Dulcet Sterk
Was the artist, says the label.

Sun’s pouring through the shop window,
And you think the chair might look good
In your Manhattan studio,

But you can’t find a price on it.
There’s something painted on one leg.
When you squint you can see it reads

Dull shit work. Wait, is this a fake?
You’ve never lived in Manhattan.
You can’t possibly pay for this.

Whose life have you stumbled into?
The night nurse wakes you for vitals,
Then back to blinking dark, confused.

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