Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Fishhooks, flatbread, early temples,
Settled housing—Neolithic,
Yesterday, genetically,

Dividing line for the planet.
We submit the species evolved
Not at all in triggering these.

Beer evolved. Tools evolved. Grasses
Evolved in domestication.
What the Sumerians called me

Evolved in every direction.
Not really a dividing line,
Except perhaps in retrospect.

Evolution’s revolution
Had been brewing from wagging tongues
And elaborate gesturing

Probably ten times as far back.
But it hit a tipping point, point
At which the archaeology

Becomes suggestive of success
For the demographics but not
For most of the bodies themselves.

A schism becomes visible
When the graves hint more suffering
For most, more grave goods for a few.

You see where we’re going with this.
At some point all this talk began
To outrun most of the talkers.

Inequality rocketed,
Not yesterday but also not
Starting with the species as such.

The precise monster in this lair
Was neither biological
Nor historical, not at first.

If you’ve ever prayed or sung hymns
Or followed the law or felt shame
For not following it, you’re bit.

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