Sunday, November 6, 2022

Turning to Religion

Humans worship humans.
That’s the sad truth of cults—
People want to worship

Someone like them—better,
Holier, magic them.
Then someone exploits them.

Almost always a male
Human, messed-up himself
But with some charisma,

Some wild charisma, and
Mainly the willingness,
The sufficient looseness,

To claim that he’s the one.
Then maybe he’s the one,
Thinks more than just one else,

And then it’s on. It grows
Until it doesn’t, grows
Until the savior dies,

Which he has to, being
Human. And then, maybe
His followers disperse,

Or maybe his story
Mutates and carries on.
Worshipping the story

Can’t stay a cult for long.
Worshipping a story
Too long turns religion.

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