Friday, November 18, 2022

The Dismal Ease

Every believer is blessed
And will be further blessed if
You can win more believers.

Every believer won heals
That believer, increasing
The blessings upon the one

Who won them to true belief.
And so on. Multilevel,
The tip of the pyramid

The shining, all-seeing Eye.
You need only to believe.
If you sincerely believe,

You will be able to win
Other lost souls to belief,
Healing them. Pay it forward.

Each one, win one. Then a few.
Your blessings will overflow.
You must labor in the fields

To bring in the whole harvest.
Quickly, before the night falls.
See the gloaming gathering?

Feel the rays of the Great Eye.
Gather believers, gather.
Succumb not to dismal ease.

Win the lost ones to belief.
The pyramid heals all griefs,
And blessings will never cease.

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