Friday, November 18, 2022

Mini Manifesto Upharsin

It could be just a question
Of what interests you more.
Well, that’s kind of obvious.

If you care about what’s wrong
Or like to know how things work,
Or what exactly happened,

Or you have something to tell
The world about your childhood,
Your children, your neighborhood,

Or you’re fighting for justice,
Or determined to get laid,
You’re fairly motivated

To write in those directions.
But it’s just so maddening
Others lust for other things.

They’re stupid. They’re not artists.
They must be hiding their true,
Insidious agendas.

How ‘bout you? Hiding something
Every time you choose to write
On something else? Some other

Ways you distract us? Evil
Nonsense supporting evil,
You are not righteous, like us.

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